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Message: GOP biting off more than they can chew

Re: War

in response to by
posted on Feb 01, 2010 11:50AM

It would be wonderful to live in this eutopian world. Anyone that goes to war would support Peace on earth. Dwight Eisenhower for sure. Yes the world would be a wonderful place if there was no more war. God knows my wife and I would love to have our Uncles back that died in WW2.

Unfortunately the real world is full of evil and it never seems to be defeated by laying down weapons, ignoring it and asking to be friends. Dwight Eisenhower understood this as well. Unfortunately it takes great suffering and sacrifice to accomplish this to secure a more peaceful world. Any government that enslaves its people and limits thier voices is truly evil. We've seen how dangerous it is to let evil build unchecked as the price for it is much more suffering and death. For now it is best for freedom and peace loving nations to build strong Armed forces and weapons that keep evil in check and perhaps someday defeat it everywhere on the planet so peace on earth is possible.


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