Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: I don't get it!

Lamberts, I don't like arguing with you, I continue to think you're one of the good guys although I guess you're further right than I thought. For what it's worth, I thought McCain (pre-Palin) was okay; I thought the same about Reagan and Eisenhower - yes, I go that far back. You say that you don't spend much time here yet you see hate and venom coming from both sides of the debate. Please feel free to quote anything I've said or anyone else of a more liberal persuasion which equate with the following examples. Maybe you missed them:

Who on here posted that the people on Haiti deserved what they got? I won't repeat the reason given. Where do you think he's positioned on the political spectrum?

Who on here posted only yesterday that he hoped a certain ex-Marine and politician would die? Where do you think he's positioned on the political spectrum?

Who on here accepted without question Palin's remark about death panels? This is an easy one because there are multiple answers except for where you'll find them on the political spectrum.

Who on here expressed the hope that someone would 'terminate' Barack Obama? Where do you think he's positioned on the political spectrum?

Just a few examples. Don't ask me for links because I can't be bothered. If you think I'm making it all up, that's too bad.

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