Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Climategate U-turn: Astonishment as scientist at centre of global warming email

We figured the global warming hoax out a while back. Some of the liberals still believe in man caused global warming and probably always will because Obama, Gore, corupt scientists or the nightly news said it was true. Liberals have no common sense. We have vast oil reserves in Alaska and under the Rockies and the liberals blocked all attempts to make us energy independent. We could have been controlling oil prices ourselves with the vast oil supplies we have, instead the liberals vetoed all attempts to drill and now we're at the mercy of foreign countries shelling out billions to some of the most dispicable dictatorships on the planet. We could have put thousands of people to work in our own country and spent our money at home. But look what the liberals have done to us its no wonder our economy is in the toilet and getting worse every day.

Weakening the CIA, FBI and the military under Clinton, low income housing loans Barney Franks, & No drilling of our own oil Clinton and the democrats in control now. These liberal blunders are at the root of where we are today with this recession. When are people going to learn that these idiots cause the big problems we face today. 911 the recession most of the blame hangs around the liberals necks.

Conservatives in 2010!

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