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Message: A little more fuel for the fire
Alex Jones (whom I don't trust on all occasions) has had all of his experts not only say that the birth certificate placed by Obama on the white house web site is photo shopped, they have declared that it is such a bad photo shop job, that they almost believe that it is on purpose because it looks so obvious. They are touting now that non-political sources are screaming about the photo-shopped birth certificate.
It could actually be true that they purposely placed a bad photo-shopped birth certificate. If you think about it, gas is over $4.00 per gallon and heading up. It will most certainly be at $5.00 if not $6.00 or more by election time in 2012 with Obama insisting on not permitting any new drilling. Run away inflation and perhaps record high interest rates are just around the corner. So in an era where elections are won with "Are you better off now than you were four years ago" (Ronald Reagan) or "Its the economy stupid" (Bill Clinton) Wouldn't you rather have the world focus on your birth certificate where now anyone who criticizes it, whether it is legitimate to criticize it or not, have all been very cleverly lumped into the whack-job category. Whether he was born in Hawaii or not, the powers to be are not going to let that topic eject him from office. Instead, they are going to use it to keep your attention away from the things that will eject him from office. The birth certificate diversion won't work, but they apparently think it has a chance. They are as nuts as the birthers if they believe that. Well, that isn't really fair to the birthers since after all, they just might be right. But I still think it is a red herring that Obama is attempting to use to his political benefit. If I were president right now, I would like everyone to look at something, ANYTHING, other than my horrible record on just about everything!
(Above is a note from my son.........I raised him right!)
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