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Message: Michael Moore Jokes Jesus was Gay
Michael Moore Jokes Jesus was Gay
  • Posted on September 30, 2011 at 9:30pm

Speaking at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. Friday, Michael Moore, as usual, dropped a few bombs. Even the “f” bomb.

“Sorry I said [the f-word] the first time. I didn’t realize I was in a church,” the filmmaker, wearing his trademark trucker cap, joked to an auditorium comprised of a few hundred students, faculty and news media.

The liberal filmmaker was invited to the Catholic school to discuss his book, “Here Comes Trouble.” But he also spoke at length about health care, young voters’ disenchantment with President Barack Obama and the need for the wealthy to pay higher taxes. He said affluent Americans “seemed happy” when their income was taxed at a higher rate (“60 and 70 percent”).

Moore, who was raised Catholic, used Christian themes throughout his speech. At one point he joked that Jesus was gay.

“You know those 12 men Jesus was always hanging out with? Mhm,” he said to laughter.

Moore made a few more provocative comments during the question-and-answer portion of his talk. When asked by a student, who said he was British, if a country can be considered “civilized” if it’s “legal to own an AK-47″ machine gun, Moore said no.

“If you want protection, get a dog,” he said.

Another student asked about the 2004 documentary, “Michael Moore Hates America” and why Moore declined to participate in it. Moore said he doesn‘t hate America and those who disagree with his political views don’t either.

“I assume [Republicans] love this country. I start with that assumption,” he said.

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