Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: 1st Principle of Natural Law

The only reliable basis for sound
government and just human relations
is Natural Law.
Examples of Natural Law
It may be surprising, even to Americans, to discover how
much of their Constitution and their life-style is based on
principles of Natural Law. For example:
The concept of UNALIENABLE RIGHTS is based on
Natural Law. Twenty-two of these unalienable rights are
listed on pages 125-26.
The concept of UNALIENABLE DUTIES is based on
Natural Law. Twenty of these unalienable duties are listed on
pages 134-35.
The concept of HABEAS CORPUS is based on Natural
The concept of LIMITED GOVERNMENT is based on
Natural Law.
The concept of SEPARATION OF POWERS is based on
Natural Law.
The concept of CHECKS AND BALANCES to correct
abuses by peaceful means is based on Natural Law.
The right of SELF-PRESERVATION is based on Natural
The right to CONTRACT is based on Natural Law.
Laws protecting the FAMILY and the institution of
MARRIAGE are all based on Natural Law.
The concept of JUSTICE BY REPARATION or paying for
damages is based on Natural Law.
The right to BEAR ARMS is based on Natural Law.
The principle of NO TAXATION WITHOUT
REPRESENTATION is based on Natural Law.
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