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Message: Well whaddyaknow?

Even as short as one month ago, all we heard from the LSM and the DNC (sorry for the redundancy) was that "if republicans ever want to win an election again, they need to be more like democrats and support obamacare."

In fact, this has been the meme all along.

Now we see democrats acting like republicans (key word: acting) in order to save their political (bacon).

Perhaps if they had listened to the people all along (70% plus that said NO! to obamacare, the Tea Party,and the 100% of republicans who did not ever vote for obamacare, those dems would be in a better political situation.

I guess the only question remaining is will democrats win 0% of the races next year, or 0.0%?

(Or will they finally grow a collective pair before next November, recall Harry as leader, vote to impeach on the greatest deception and fraud ever perpetrated upon the american people, to keep ANY chance to win a token seat.)

Even the LSM is saying the LIE that was told and sold is grounds for impeachment.... and it's time to start packing.

So I made the prediction of impeachment by mid-term elections earlier this year. Here's another one. See if I'm just joking on this one.

Sgt Shultz (Ed on MSDNC) will come to the realiztion that Obama was actually a right wing neo-con agent working to destroy the democrat party from within and was paid by the insurance companies to do so. The insurance compaines will have gotten to increase their rates in the end (by 20% or so.... obama even said so) without having to include all the coverages like ovarian cancer screenings for men (which justified the rate increases under obamacare) when obamacare is repealed or made optional (like the king did yesterday by royal fiat) for a year.

Come on Ed, I know your just itchin' to get that out.

Hey, Satan is known as the 'Great Deceiver" for a reason.

.oO(did I just go there?)

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