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Message: New Yukon Gold Rush: Top 5 Players 2011 : #2

Simon Ridgeway, the prospector at the helm of RDU, seems to be a very savvy guy. The company already has a paying property down south. Instead of chasing after leavings of Kaminak/Underworld, he shored up a huge land package on both the Yukon and Alaskan sides of the border at the 40 Mile placer camp, which is historically the second largest gold producing area in the Yukon. It can be accessed from the Top of the World Highway. He also tacked on large parcels on either side of the Atac property. His drills came up empty at 40 mile last year, but I wouldn't be too surprised if he finds something this year.

I share your respect for Pacific Ridge. I watched them develop Fyre Lake when there were few gold exploration companies operating in the Yukon. If they get a solid drill result this year, I'm in with more than my foot.

I like Hinterland, especially like their property, and made some money off of them last year. But they will have problems with too many shares out going forward.

What I like to do, and it has paid off: Wait until someone finds something real. Not a great grab sample, but a solid drill result. Then wait for the price to come down, and a chance to buy it on my own terms. You can still make very good money this way, without the risk of a speculative junior that may come up empty.

On this level, my investment in TAKU is very high risk.

There's also a risk of a market downturn and lack of investment despite the price of gold. The better capitalized juniors will survive, and they will be the ones with results to attract money with.

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