Copper - Gold - Molybdenum project in Alaska

Northern Dynasty's principal asset is the Pebble Project in southwest Alaska, USA, an initiative to develop one of the world's most important mineral resources.

Message: Re: Article Against Pebble Project

JC,with due respect,I think that general investors know how to get the proper infos regarding the Pebble Project and make decisions for themselves.However as a long time NDM shareholder suffering from the propaganda machine of these professional-bashers without proper due diligence on this project,I do not think that we ought to give them another platform to further their cause.I remember what Bob Dickinson told us at the AGM that Tiffany and Co had accepted their much biased indictment of Pebble at face value and stated that they will not buy gold mined from Pebble in the future.However, the natives from local villages are fighting back and they recently went to washington and made their case as well as inviting executives from Tiffany a fishing trip(native style)at Bristal Bay.

In reality,according to survey,79 per cent of Alaskans want to giver Pebble(or any other mining company) the due process of finishing the environmental assessment as well as permit application without being prematurely judged and unfairly smeared with false information.Pebble sits on Alaskan state land and was part of the land which was specially designated for mining development by the state and federal governments many years ago.The .federal government has no say in the end.

Ex Alaskan governor Sarah Palin said it very wisely when asked about Pebble.She said that Pebble deserved at least the proper due process like any other mining company and eventually science should decide whether there should be a mine at Pebble or not.Right now some extremist-special interest groups do not want to give NDM/NAK this chance of due process.Is it democracy?

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