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Message: Keeping an eye on NGC - Timing is everything

First, a disclaimer: I am no technical analyst, but I watch SP chart just to keep a mental picture of how well the SP is doing. Technical analysis that deal with "triangles", "candlesticks", etc. are beyond my comprehension. So in such discussions I would just listen politely and only remember only the parts that I could retain (whatever that means).

However, watching the charts could reveal interesting trends, e.g. early in the morning, before lunch, after lunch, just before closing. This depends on each individual stocks, what has happened the day before, the herd mentality, etc. There is a need to know the individual companies, the more you know about them the better...and try to limit the number to the number of fingers on both hands. In other words, specialize to become an expert in a particular case, since you would know that particular company inside out, share structure, management (must trust them, if not then jump ship), etc...I just decided to pick one company as an example, lucky NGC, just to see what I can do.

The golden rule is "buy low and sell high". There is a macro trend (over a long period of time) but there are intra day fluctuations as in the example above.

and this is what I call the macro (or long-term) trend which would give you a good perspective on the SP performance over a period of months or years. Most of the time the peaks and valleys could be correlated with important events.

Try it out just for fun (actually, as part of your DD) and with some luck one can make a few coins.

goldhunter (no techkie)

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