Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Future of POET - Share Price

While I have no where near the level of understanding that some of our more "techie" minded posters do...I have read quite a bit and of course been following this stock for several years now. Hopefully Rob can comment on the production and validation details that have been brought up.

I'm not sure about the annealing process taking a long time, but in regards to the chips possibly not reacting well to being placed in close proximity to each other in they not use less power and produce less heat? That in itself tells me there would be less interference from multiple chips being placed together in electronics devices.........Anyone?

Zincfinger, that request was not directed at you...I recall quite vividly your bizarre posting campaign under your LaminarFlow alias and as a result am still extremely sceptical of anything you say......but if Oogee, Rob or any other engineering type person would like to chime in, it would be greatly appreciated.


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