Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Who are the real longs

Hi jammingthepipeline,

I wasn't certain when reading your comment if you weren't sure about our belief the technology itself or the commitment that fairchij and I have toward holding our shares until the final sale.

I never meant to give the impression that I doubted POET's breadth in any way. We do need to be mindful that just as POET seems to be virtually unknown to the world, it is technically possible that so might be some other technology. It could be poorly promoted as POET is, or it might be held by a private company in stealth mode. Either way we may have a competitor without even knowing it.

I am personally doubtful that this is the case for many reasons. First, it's tough to get enough funding while being unknown to anyone. Also, if some lab was working on something groundbreaking they would want to patent it, and this would likely cite other patents and be found by us, or OPEL. It's unlikely also that scientists working on other technology would complete their work without publishing in any journals.

At this time both Lee and Sam believe there isn't anything else like POET.

Now, if you are wondering how committed *I* am, I think fairchij's post summed it up perfectly.

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