Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: The IR Guy

Thanks Chris for your input ! I think your job would be a lot easier if OPL was not so tight lipped and could give the shareholders updates more often.. Maybe they cannot do that for one reason or another, I don`t know.. There seemed to be a lot of info. at the AGM that we would never have known about if it were not for a few members that actually went and reported back to us on the these forums.. Would not a web cast of the AGM be the proper way for this info. to be released or even a conferance call ??? Then , of course the share price seems to be stuck in the mud, as it were.. Maybe a lot more people would be more comfortable holding the OPL stock if the company would have had a web cast of the AGM or at the very least a conferance call where investors could ask questions and get some answers instead of having to get the info on these forums. JMHO of course .Thanks again for posting !!!

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