Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Microsoft

Man, i never thought of Microsoft as one of our potential licensees until now. If they wanted to show the market that their old joints haven't seized up completely and that they can still function in a young man's game...

I haven't said this before on these boards because I don't want to be seen as pumping such an unlikely scenario, but I'm hoping whomever might want an exclusive deal with us to control POET might be so desperate they may want to pay an inordinate sum, not to acquire POET, but also to make a statement.

I know it sounds a bit ridiculous, but think about a company like Microsoft, announcing a major push into hardware to support xbox, windows phones and surface tablets. I think it would be a bold move on thier part (same could be said for Blackberry, Intel, AMD, etc.) to shed their dinosaur persona and get back in the fight. The only problem is they would need fabs to come on board aswell. And so with that I always snap out of my dream state and remember why PC emphasized OPEL's plan to orchestrate a syndicate of buyers (or possibly licensees, now) to bring POET to the market. Well I guess i still haven't stopped dreaming completely but I believe this one has a serious chance of succeeding!

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