Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Grapevine Info Please?

The natives are getting restless and some are getting rather PO ed wtih the silence.. Apparently we are told there is lots going on behind the scene which makes me ask the question,, How in the Sam H*ll does anyone know there is lots going behind the scene if it is behind the scene.. Why do a few people know this but millions don`t ??? This kind of makes me think of the old mushroom treatment where share holders are kept in the dark with some manure is thrown on them every once in awhile as in the share price getting hammered by the the dumping that goes on everytime the sp tries to move up.. I would think that PTK is now known as a dirty trader and there will be some that will have nothing to do with it... Now ,,looking on the bright side,,pretty well everytime I get PO ed and shoot my mouth off we get a good news NR the next day so we will see if the streak remains in tact.

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