Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: IF....

I still think about the days when I bought my first shares in OPEL. There was a rumour going around that we were in bed with RIM and they were developing a solar charged phone. I bought the story and even passed the rumour myself since I heard it from so many different sources I thought it had to be true. I felt a bit silly after I realized nothing was really going on. It seemed like a perfect story to fool an OPL shareholder - two Canadian companies joining forces to combine smartphones, chip *and* solar?! WOW!

But one of the parts of the story that I've thought about lately was that some options were being set aside for when RIM was ready to take an equity stake in OPEL. We were told that the partnership would require RIM to have a couple of seats on the board.

What if some of the options the BoD have set aside will be used for such a purpose? Like say if BAE licensed and also took a percentage of the company?

I don't want to take this line of thinking to far (there's no evidence of a deal or even that options are being saved at all), but it's fun to speculate about the possible strategies. Truthfully I'm not even sure I would like to see this come to pass. I like that POET is unfettered with full ownership of the IP.

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