Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Forum folly

In principle it's a good idea to seek info from a variety of sources, but from experience accessing forums I have learned very little about the technology and lots about human nature.

Forums are convenient because you usually get a quick answer, but you also don't get people willing to listen before talking. They don't have the patience to consider your information critically and deeply before replying.

Take Krom's post on the semi forum that got an immediate knee jerk response. To the poster's credit, he/she quoted some of the material on the site and even linked to the honeywell site (which i read a year ago when we were trying to imagine who in the military might partner with OPEL) on CHFET showing at least some evidence that the material was read. Still, the comment started with an accusation that POET is making hyperbolic statements, which could be inferred by the fact that the primary purpose of POET's site would be to attract investors. He doesn't begin to challenge the technology, which is the whole reason Krom wanted an opinion frm someone on that site.

I liked Krom's response to the criticism regarding the R&D cycle. It's interesting that what's been criticized by this poster is what Lee Shepherd thought was so special about POET's arrival on the scene. It's very rare for an R&D effort to be sustained for 20 years without a product. Rather, an effort was made to preserve POET's breadth rather than to zero in on a product and then try to expand it's potential (and probably fail).

Not to beat a dead horse, but I'm sure the response some of us experienced in the comment section of the G&M article could foreshadow what response we would get on other forums. I was able to check in on that PTK forume on RedFlagDeals and seven is getting abused by posters there who have also failed to grasp the significance of POET and assume all of the coverage and material he has provided is a prelude to a pump and dump.

For my part I will continue to seek out and gather info in different ways, but I'll be avoiding forums. Having said that I will continue to read everyone elses efforts with interest!

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