Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Isn't it weird

The SP appreciation based on anticipation happened 2 years ago when we hit the $1.80 level.

-Many people bought at $1+ and don't want to get burned again.

-Many are waiting for the Milestones to be complete to buy in.

-Many would rather buy at a higher price and not risk there money.

-Many still don't know about this company.

-Many other companies like POET trying to prove their technology

-Many want the proof in the pudding befor buying.

People will pay for a product , not a concept. At this time we are still a concept stock.

All these reasons makes people not in a rush to buy in. The more risk you take the more money you will lose or make. We are the risk takers and it's why we are here. Astute investors don't take risks like us. We are gamblers right now and not investors. Until the milestones are complete and the goals are met, we should not expect much.

One thing is certain, if POET is what we think it will be, we will all be millionaires cause we are the ones that believed without seeing. I don't expect the SP to go much higher until all the goals of the company are met.

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