Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Boneless

I'm not sure what is the difference between here or on SH. Only less obvious bashing less obvious pumping... We talked three days about pumpkins. If I was the company, I would be dead laughing. Now we are cheering about Anon buying 25k.

They gave us a bone with nothing on it and no one on the forum complains anymore.

After all the delay of the past years, it is sure the dates of the milestones of the july roadmap was conservative. They knowed about the ''ask'' of the ''PDA''. They knowed the 100nm milestone was a priority. So why did they put MS5 in between, just to let us hope for something before Q4?

Why put a date for MS7 if they know that they don't know when it will be completed, and let it like that after updates in August and September? The new uptade of september with no change on the roadmap let us think every thing should be on time.

I'm don't understand why some optical parts (like the laser) are not already validated?

They changed the road map every year since the begin. If they don't release anything this week we will be at 30 cents in a heart beat.

Best regards

Sorry for my Frenchie-English

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