Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: The credibility being lost


"come on, it's ok for pumpers to talk about military divisions but when someone questions whats happening they should sell their shares?

Lets have some balance and an adult debate"

You have to be kidding.

So-called pumpers bring facts to light that can be verified because they are based on published information. Occasionally, there is speculation based on the possible outcomes that might come to pass based on the trajectory suggested by NRs and articles from various sources.

And then there's guys like Grossier (AKA Troufignon, Yvrogne, Baggie4life, etc.; And you actually come to 'their' defense?!) and other, more singular personalities who show up 'questioning what's happening'. All these questions with zero expectation that anyone here can provide the answers. What is this supposed to accomplish exactly?

How can such different approaches provide what you call balance? How can these approaches even be considered to oppose each other at all? It's apples and oranges - not balance.

And you ask for an adult debate from someone who is, in fact, an adult. How rudely condescending is that? You Aves, who constantly whine about how anyone who doesn't share the 'pumper' point of view get's it rammed down their throat. Well hello mister pot, mister kettle isn't here right now, but if you’d care to leave a message. . .

IMO what you really want is your Eeyorish opinion to go unchallenged as the unquestioned opposition party line, but you don't want to have to support it with any tangible facts.

"That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.”

~Christopher Hitchens (R.I.P.)

PS: If you don't like what POET is doing to monetize, or you don't like waiting, you really should sell. Or at least talk to POET management in person and tell them what you would do differently.

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