Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: So Tired.....

Of the handful of posters who make post after post constantly repeating there negative views of today's NR. It's all fine and has a purpose to pose your concerns to the BB once but to hear you same guys repeating yourself all day is getting sickening.

Just yesterday and all this week, you same guys where singing the praises of how the SP was preforming...everyone was Happy..Happy..Happy!! And now this?

Take a good look at what's happening here! We basically only lost one day's worth of gains (yesterday) and the way I see it is with tomorrow being Friday, we could very well see most if not all of those gains back by close. I can't imagine to many people would want to go into the weekend on the outside looking in. Who knows what we could be in for Monday morning.

Just for the record, I hate making price predictions so don't jump all over me...just saying.

As for the PP. I have no problem with it. Sure like everyone else I was disappointed when I first saw it but after thinking about it and weighing the good and the bad, It really has no bearing on what my goals on investing in POET are all about. I truly believe in this technology and know that we will be greatly rewarded for our patients.

Good luck all...and let's get this board back on track.

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