Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Did yesterday's NR

woundedknees, this is from The NR October 21, 2013

POET Technologies Special Strategic Committee Announces Key Updates

I believe part of your answer may be in this paragrah.

It should be noted that the technical roadmap in the Company presentation provides best approximations based on current progress at POET's R&D labs and partner fabs; timing differences will arise and have arisen not only due to technical resource needs but also due to input from potential PDA partners. It has become impractical to document the numerous changes to our roadmap due to these interactions, but we have elected to keep the current presentation as indicative, rather than provide no information. Despite balancing all these demands, the Company expects to complete and present its monolithic solution on time.

This could explain why the Corporate Presentation is not yet updated or may not be at all.

Just a thought.

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