Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Why couldn't it be for sale?

Happyhour (and Kryst) is right. The path POET is taking is one where the licencing option and the sale option are completely aligned.

I mean, what do you think will happen when the first commercial POET product hits the street?

You can't continue selling packages of chips on a board when you can put it all on one for 1/10 the price. You can't sell your 3.2 Ghz processor when the first POET one runs at 32 Ghz. You can't sell your RAM and your SSD, when POET combines the two (and any cache memory also)!

Sure, you could license it, but you will be a year behind POET's early adopters. Better to control it. POET needs to be prepared for offers that will certainly come when the semi market is turned on its head.

Enter Pellegrino.

And BTW, it had to be Pellegrino again. We don't want confusion about which valuation to believe. I think the selection of Pellegrino also signals that POET is confident that the results will be well worth the cost.

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