Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: What would be better, licensing or buyout?

Sulasailor, I agree partly. I think for designing chips for specific purposes or markets expertise from each very specific market is needed, and generally only a partner from that market could provide the necessary insight.

However, as far as I believe to "understand" the POET technology (quotes intentional), it would not make sense or even be possible to sell PET and keep POET, because PET has only been created as a stripped-down POET to ease the transistion for traditional semiconductor companies. But in the end it's all POET.

With PET, this disruptive technology would be disruptive in one dimension only, going from Si to GaAS, but staying electrical. The second dimension will follow later, moving from integrated electronics to integrated optoelectronics. And the third dimension is already somewhere at the horizon, which would amend traditional Von Neumann computing with quantum computing.

Andrea ("Powered by POET")

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