Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: What would be better, licensing or buyout?

Derek, I suspect that this board already albut consititutes am Association based on the definintion that an Association is a group of like minded persons with a common interest or experience. I suspect the the BOD or Chris Chu certainly looks on this board 'loosely' as an Association already. I see no harm in a very simply stated formation document e.g.

The POET Shareholders Association (POETSA) is an Association of retail shareholders of POET TEchnologies INC (PTK) formed from their common bond as members of the Agoracom Bulletin Board and PTK shareholders

The purpose of the Association is to represent the views and wishes of retail shareholders as a group, whenever circumstances prevail that are deemed to require this.

Each member must be able to demonstrate that they are current holders of POET Technologies Inc Shares.

Communication is normally made through postings on the Agoracom POET bulletin board.

I agree that we should not go down the path of complexity and should keep matters simple but it is possilbe and I beleive could be useful at the right moment.

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