Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Was todays reversal....?

I'm going with the dip was shorting, and the rise was someone or multiple somone's squeezing them out. There's some big money involved in getting this across the finish line, and the folks that make our investments look like a kids piggy banks probably didn't appreciate the short pressure.

I think a few people shorting the stock took a bit of a haircut today; I just hope that this upward pattern continues in a controlled fashion. Fast breakouts mean fast corrections, which can give me a bit of indigestion based on the POET of old (in the Solar days when it was known as OPEL and traded under OPL.v).

I get it's a new world with a new board, just need to get a few more of these milestones out of the way to really prove we aren't a flash in the pan like some other tech startups (Keek anyone? That's a hairy mess).

News releases + NASDAQ would do a world of good to legitamize the company out of the potential vaporware category.

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