Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: SP is fairly meaningless

Remember what PC said in his interview:

To paraphrase: Shareholders should be looking for deals with the mega cap companies who are currently under NDA.

I strongly feel that the current SP will have no impact on the ultimate shareholder value. A money making POET inc. is an entirely different animal than R&D POET inc. The market will assign its own valuation (irrespective of Pellegrino 2) based on likelihood of future deals and forward earnings (just like a real company:).

Still, my beliefs about the future of POET as an independent, "standalone" company remain unchanged by the PC interview. I think our stint as a licensing company before a probable buyout offer will not depend on the SP as it stands today. A low SP *was* a concern that many on this board had back when it was believed that we were going to be sold immediately to the highest bidder. An intermediate step as a holding company should alleviate these concerns for the most part.

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