Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Very very dissapointed with this board today.
Thoughts. What was the goal and intent of this speaking engagement? I am left somewhat confused. Was the speech to be about Dr. Taylor and his invention? Was it to be the "coming out" of POET to a new series of well heeled investors and to the world as was hyped here by many? Was this to tantalize and make people and investment bankers salivate and want to open their wallets and vaults? Did the presentation achieve to company's goals? There is way too much to cover right now and I am very tired. The simplest way for me to put this is, IMO, they sold the steak and not the sizzle. I'm not sure who said this was the global coming out event but it was not that. It was a speeking engagement that was, again IMO, lacking one critical piece for the audience to cling too and take home with them. The milestones. There was no mention or slide of this at all. This to me is the cornerstone of where we are at. That one slide would have spoken volumes of how far the tech has come. But it was not presented. Again there is too much to discuss right now but that should have been there to get people going "wow!!!look at that". Glad to meet everyone today. GLTUA. Derek
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