Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Smedley on BNN

Agree rob.

Some of the people I speak with believe that there is still an element of stealth in POET's strategy that will last until a revenue stream begins. Let's face it, no matter what POET's SRP will eventually be, no matter what trade secrets are concealed, and no matter what kind of resolve retail investors have, there are companies out there who could get POET for a song if they thought they could take POET though the last mile.

And I don't think POET is incapable of bringing POET's story to the masses. I just think they might be keeping the powder dry for when guys like Smedley no longer have to qualify their statements with comments about being in the R&D stage and using words like 'speculative'.

And to paraphrase an email from our IR (before the big blow-up), he made a "personal promise" that if Taylor can pull off this chip for mass production, he will make sure every media outlet in the world that matters is all over the story. I think Chris will be ready when the time is right. That is when we are no longer merely a R&D operation.

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