Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: A little different take on the AGM

Just a few notes on the AGM

1. The AGM proceeded like many I have seen before. Quite mechanical and orderly at first. The room was quite full this year. Standing room only. We were only approx 8 to 10 last year and a few were in small groups.

2. The follow on question period went well and the Directors answered most questions with full transperancy. A couple of questions could not be answered due to the fact that they (Directors) were not able to speak to the room without having spoken first to the Market. This is normal.

I asked a specific question about the recent wake down in the stock price and with the answer that PC gave us and the documents that were handed out, I do NOT believe that the Directors, Sheldon or any other individual closely connected to the company are pleased with the lower state of the stock. PC expressed some real frustration in his answer. It is obvious that Sheldon had to sell as he was receiving some with his appointment. Its all in the docs.

3. I do not think that we were rushed out even though we ran out of time due mainly to the previous fire alarm. LP, sitting behind me, was trying to marshell us out to the bus and PC kept extending the question period.

4. The plant tours this year were lead by JT himself. That was planned. We did not have station to station visits with the tech leads like last year. The tours were well done. (and quite informative). Although we learned plenty last year, we did quite well this year. Hint: stop worrying about 100nm, we are on to 40nm. The nut was cracked back at the 300nm level with changing the compound from gold to tugsten.

5. Stephane Gagnon spoke on about the technical roadmap. He believes that we would not normallyt have this roadmap and related infomation. We will probably lose this info as we get further along. ie. when partners / revenue info is available. I think all those there understood the point.

6. I have no doubt that:

A. We have the solution. SG spoke to having all the parts to build a "chip". so did JT.

B. Dan explained how the parts and the chip could be build in manufacturing process. He also, with lots of pride, explained how the process would need only 10 minutes during one of the stages versus some 6 hours in the current silicon chip process.

C. The addition of DM, SG and more spefically AM are going to make alot of difference in getting POET to Market / Partner.

Lastly, I am of the opinion that getting POET to the Market is the challenge. PC, AM and others have lots to do and many to meet. AM referred many times to disruptive. Convincing others that this disruptive technology is real is the challenge. AM's Rolodex is the gold in all this (no pun intended). IMHO.

Enjoy the ride. its coming...

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