Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Re: why did Ajit Manocha leave as CEO of Global Foundries in favour of POET?
Aug 18, 2014 10:49PM

Dear FJ,

Watching the Hutcheson.Manocha interivew in the link you provided is simply observing a man at the top of his game. This interview happened exactly a year ago and to think that Ajit Manocha has since that interview chosen to move to POET is just so exciting. Watching the following link is a must.

Adjit Manocha is clearly a technology Guru. It is quite clear to me, from watching this interview, that the Guru Manocha has outlined his policy for POET. He will take POET forward using the momentum of all that he has learned in developing the foundary 2.0 concept. POET will become a mini IDM within Global Foundaires. This is what is meant by the statement currently negociating to move to a third party fabrication.

The concept of a mini IDM is the synergy created by combining both Geoffrey Taylors team and with that of Global Foundaries technicians will together take the POET project forward at a pace that will place POET products from development laboratories to shelves in warehouses for sale, in a significantly shorter period. The likelyhood being that this will take place in Malta New York in my opinion.

The writing is on the wall, this is beyond gazing into crystal ball in my opinion.

The member of staff who slapped Rainer on the back at the AGM and told him he is going to make lot of money knows what he is talking about.

with warm regards to all readers,


Aug 19, 2014 08:20AM
Aug 20, 2014 10:30AM
Aug 20, 2014 10:34AM
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