Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Pro Forma 2

I, for one, enjoy this forum because of the exchanges that occur between contributors. I am not too upset when there is a caustic or complaining content in them and I enjoy reading others defend their positions. For me, there is a great interest in reading the posts and guessing the background of whose writing them. On the whole, the tenor of most posts are respectful and there is a deal of friendliness between writers who may well not know each other in life. Sitting here in the afternoon in the UK offers such good entertainment, even more so when the SP rises.

Thus, when posts try to figure out what a share price may be in the future based on approximations of estimated potential sales, market size, etc., I welcome it. Indeed, I find it positively encouraging. I know very little about marketing, the working of stock exchanges, the machinations of investors etc. I have some knowledge of the technology and how microprocessors work. What I am reasonably certain about is the technology represents a dramatic improvement on what is currently available and that it is reasonable to call this disruptive. Surprisingly, if you want encouragement, it is the current silence on the technology issues in the face of occasional goodies such as:

  • We need to move to a fab because it cannot go below 40 nM gate length

  • The appointment of Ajit Manocha and the Global Foundries connection.

  • The announcement that 100nM transistor is equivalent to a 10nM Silicon transistor.

  • No evidence offered of production difficulties.

All this persudaes me to believe there is reasonable evidence that we are on course for the timetable, as we know it, with revenue in the 4th quarter 2014 or 1st quarter 2015. So, speculate away, as far as I am concerned; give us a working share price to at least project an exit strategy or just to hang on in there. I find this all very interesting, Thanks to all you various experts, this is a very good forum.


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