Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Poet Military?

Turr, we won't likely see proof of any military contracts. And it does not take a genius to understand why. The technology is still too new to be made public. So all we can do is wait till it is allowed (by Government) to be used in consumers products. Yes, I am speculating here, and it might take another decade, but if you look at the past history of brekthrough technologies, such as nuclear power, space exploration, Internet, cellular networks, etc., you will notice a pattern of 10-20-30 year lag from the moment a techology was first developed and the moment it became available to general public, or known by general population. I you can easily guess who used the technology first. Yes, the military. For example, it is now a well known fact the Silicon Valley was created by US military.

So why POET should be different at this point? Looking at 19-year history of POET research, it is relatively safe to conclude we now are very close to that moment when the world finally starts using the technology in consumer products, not only in space crafts.

At this point (and, again, I am speculating, but trying to stay logical in my conclusion) it is almost guaranteed the technology is viable and has been already tested by military. Which also means our bets on the stock are no longer binary, so we can now say it is safe to invest in it.

Am I being too optimistic? Maybe. Am I being illogical? I hope not.

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