Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: GOOGLE

Now, I am not saying this Google head table thing means squat but if something were to happen in terms of the fire you speak of, it could be pretty good. Google bought Nest for $3.2B. They made thermostats and smoke/CO detectors connected to wifi (not exactly gruondbreaking - still cool though). They were a pretty new company. Facebook bought Whatsapp for $19B. These large companies throw money around like it means nothing. If an app is worth $19B then what is POET worth in a buyout? Who knows.

But, like many, I am starting to suffer from investor fatigue. I hate to admit it but it is true. 4 years is a fair amount of time to hold on to my stock and dream about the potential. Now, POET has come a very very long way in 2014. But, i'd rather be rich now then filthy rich in 3-5 years. Now, why would I choose the quick money? Because anything can happen in 3-5 years and I could have passed on to a happier place by then and would not be able to have fun with the money. So if a good buyout transpires, I just may vote yet.

One can dream.

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