Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: A reminder of our time here...if your in POET as long....

It’s been kind of slow the last couple weeks so I’m just going to throw this out there to remind some of us why we are here. Please don’t respond with accusations of pumping because that’s not what this is intended to do.

Imagine turning $3,000 exploding into $3.5 million.

If you invested in Microsoft's early days, you didn't need to start with much to eventually become a millionaire.

Or imagine a $10,000 investment turning into $1 million.

That's what happened to Apple investors after the launch of iTunes... and that was only 10 years ago.

All you had to do was realize that people were sick and tired of buying CDs.

Of course, hindsight in the investment world is the same as "coulda, woulda, shoulda."

And opportunities like those are rare and difficult to come by... but they are out there and I believe we've found the next opportunity to turn a small investment (for some of us a not so small investment) into a windfall.

And just like Microsoft and Apple, everyone's going to want POET.

Just like computers... it'll make your life easier.

Make no mistake, when this gets officially unveiled, it's going to change all of our lives.

It's already been called a "Holy Grail"!

But for the smart and early investors, it could turn a small speculation into millions of dollars.

Good investing and good luck all.

P.S. Hopefully this happens sooner rather than later but I'm willing to wait it out.

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