Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: @ pumkin10, Rainer, crzyhors

Have you read what harryE wrote?

"Taylor does not strike me as a big and irresponsible spender, just look at that shirt he was wearing at the AGM facility tour."

You jump on me for defending a man that can't defend for himself. But you defend a poster that hasn't brought any DD to this forum except his opinions about a shirt that a Great Dr. Taylor was wearing. Who gives a F what shirt his wearing, are you a fashion police?

What do you call a person that judges someone on their clothing?

Have some dignity.

Maybe this shirt was given to him from someone close long time ago and maybe this shirt is a "lucky shirt".

So please, stop your comments about people and what they wear because that's not the point and when you do that you make a $ $ out of yourself.

If you have nothing to say, do not say it. If you have some DD, share it. Simple.

Oh, harryE: how can you compere a building to what a man is wearing. Building is building and not a human. So that's why no one has removed or responded to your post about building that you did not approve.

I will not stand silent here anymore and I will defend people that can't defend for themselves.

This was not the first time the good Dr. Taylor was attacked on this forum and it's not the first and last time I defended him.

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