Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Oh believe me the industry knows...


"Ogee, RVH, Rainer, FJ (welcome back sir) etc....or anyone else who made it to the AGM, tell me you did not get the sense or did not receive a confident air from the gathering that industry is in the fold here (at least observationally close as they can/could get)?"


It's one of those things that I elected not to describe because of the tacit understanding that some unwary, novice investors could throw the grocery money at this stock without doing their own DD.

But since you brought it up, to me the energy in the room was palpable. The experience may differ from attendee to attendee, because of there were about half a dozen conversations happening at the same time. But from my perspective listening in to what Taylor, Desimone and Gagnon had to say, there was a layer of energy just beneath their well chosen words that was just barely restrained. We were repeatedly directed to "connect the dots" (which may have seemed an easy thing for people who spend every day immersed in the industry, but was still challenging for many of us - including me).

With Dan in particular, we would ask (under pressure) what we thought were the best questions, but often (due to NDA's and perhaps trade secrets) we were denied the answers. This would have been disappointing if it were not for the grin and slight hop that followed every denial, as though he was bursting at the seams. In mild frustration someone asked a general question, something along the lines of how confident he is that the technology will really work, to which he replied smiling "I'm here aren't I?"

Again, I recall another poster reporting that the mood was more subdued that of the prior AGM, which is understandable given how tightly restricted the information flow was this time around. However, I saw things differently, relying on certain body language and innuendo. I know this will not satisfy some (what if I'm terrible at reading people!?), but if it means anything I am convinced that they were privy to information that still hasn't been divulged, that they would have loved to share if they were able.

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