Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: 2015

@johnyreg "So if POET has such a hard time doing projections they should probably increase their error margin. That way when investor read their NR or CP and do their DD, they would have a better understanding of ÏF¨ or 'WHEN' to invest."

I don't want to nitpick when you are in crisis, but as I've said before, POET shouldn't increase their error margin. They should rather strive for accuracy. It's their job to make projections based on available information and to report to shareholders. The technical milestones coming from Taylor's team are based on what they know about the process at higher nodes. They can't offer any assurances that the process will remain identical at the next node. This means new technology will have to be invented (and maybe patented?) before producing a prototype. (**interestingly, this new, patented technology represents valuable IP)

It would be improper for management to take Geoff's timeline and then say "Well, shareholders always hate it when we are late, so lets add a quarter to Geoff's expert opinion."

I sympathize with your frustration johny, but we all have to just live with our current situation until the market has proper fundamentals on which to value our shares. The technology is too complicated to draw in investors who can't really tell the difference between all the wonderful advances being reported (or not reported) in the media.

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