Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: GF in China

This is a real concern, roughly eight or nine years ago, then Foreign Affairs Minister of Canada Peter Mackay, went to China and spoke to the Chinese government about their blatant disregard for our patent law's.

This was at a time when Research in Motion was in high gear and Blackberry mobile phones were all the rage.

The Chinese had copied every last detail of the Blackberry and were mass selling it in China. The only thing they changed (and with a lot of gall and arrogance) was the product name, it was now being sold as the "Redberry!"

I also remember our intelligence service (CSIS) reporting around that same time that there were in the neighborhood of 1000 Chinese economic spie's in Canada. I'm willing to bet that number has grown in the years since.

Let's also not forget where POET is concerned, a lot of seed money came from the U.S. Defense department, and our technology is currently being used on a NASA deep space probe. As well we have the British Aerospace partnership and the product's were building with them in secrecy.

So I have to say that it put's a smile on my face when I hear people say POET doesn't leak information like other companie's. Theres a reason for it and hopefully they can continue in this manner and make us all rich in the process!

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