Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: At the Table

FJ's link to Intel's presentation "Apples and Samsung"is about the "inroads they are making in the mobile segment" at the Mobile World Congress The article by Mark Hibben points out the embarrassing presentation made by Intel in regard to the mobile market segment. He points out how out of touch Intel seems to be, their mobile timeline and technology, and appearantly they don't realize it. Since it looks like (at this jucture) Apple and Samsung will dominate the market, maybe that would bring Intel to our Table. Surley Apple should use POET in their iWatch just for the power savings, but Intel is so far behind the rest in its timeline and technology. Intel needs talk to us about becoming a viable player in that market. We could do it for them, and they are taking billions in losses now, like IBM was. It seems like that would be Intel's best interest to work with us. All the little guys too of course.

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