Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Questions for POET

Hollywood... Go to Rainer`s post.. click on the blue Questions and Answers and put your question there... Cheers!!

Re: Questions for POET

posted on Apr 01, 15 01:46PM Use the IP Check tool [?]


Chris Chu has suggested that we (as retail investors) put together a list of general questions which can be refined to represent the most important questions/needs which we would like to see addressed. This effort would be used to formulate responses from POET that can be used in presentations and PRs. A lot has changed in the last 6 months so a refresh with questions that would help investors understand what our needs are would be helpful.

I am going to suggest that Rainer could be very instrumental to this effort. The way in which he set up the CIC transcript is a good example of the collective effort to improve the information available to all POET shareholders could be used to ensure that all voices have a say in what is to be included.

Ha, so the ball is in my field now. Yes, I also discussed this with Chris already a think this is a good idea. Okay, so here's a first shot:

Questions and Answers

Please write down your questions into that document! At the moment of this writing it is just a template, but I am confident this will change very soon.

However, what I won't do is to go through the previous posts and collect your questions for you. Please do so yourself!

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