Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Back to Basics

When I first became aware of Poet in the fall of 2014, after some dd here I formed my own investment timeline.However I decided to go with the view of this board.It appears that my original opinion is proving somewhat correct.I prefer to be brutal on the news releases and not read extras into them.At times like this it sometimes helps to get back to basics.

Milestones bring partners, partners bring cash, stock runs up, and we get the commensurate Nasdaq listing. Throw a dart into that pile and with a little luck we get a ceo. One would think Poet is being VERY conservative in the timeline for those elusive milestones. They really have to get that one right next time, but I am hoping, not expecting them within the month.

Like Mark Twain said, " predictions are difficult to make , especially about the future". They tell you more about the personality of the individual more than anything else.....

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