Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Keep on Selling

I would like to take this opportunity to encourage the sellers to please keep on selling. I would like to continue with my acquisition of shares and your selling activity is feeding my desire for a lower share price quite nicely.

I'm with all of the rational people in the forum (Fairchij, Eileen et al) To think that this process was going to be without hiccups is insane. In all probability, we are in the final throes of the realization of POET's potential. Now is not the time to panic, now is not the time to run away. If you are the type of person who calculates your share value at the end of each trading day, then say "I lost $ xxx today" even though you never sold - or, "I made $ xxx today" even though, again, you never sold, perhaps you shouldn't be invested in POET.

The nature of a speculative investment is such that there are many unknowns. Share price fluctuations, sometimes extreme, will always occur. Only those with the intestinal fortitude to first believe and then hold on should be substantially invested. I watched shares drop 75% this past year (spring to fall 2014) It meant absolutely nothing to me, except that there was a fleeting opportunity to buy more shares.

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