Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Considering another run at POET (PC) guest appearance

I'll follow up with Chris. I still have contact info for Peter, as well. Hopefully they will have reviewed the list already. I think some of the bigger picture questions would be more suited to my audience. I have to be careful that my interview won't be misconstrued as a promotion for POET.

I'm taking the position that technology is a hot sector again (which it is) POET will merely be my 'for example' interview. My co-host is a significant long term investor too. I think he's even more keen on having Peter on than I am.

Rainer: The list went to Peter and Stephane in the present form via Chris. I think if Chris had narrowed anything, he would have said so. Therefore I think POET Technologies is aware of all the questions – at least if they have had the time to read them and have not been too busy doing business instead. So I wouldn't mind if they haven't looked at the questions yet.

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