Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: On the U.S. Side today
So...I have been agonizing over this investment for some time...right around six figures...and amid all the angst and frustration...I added 40k shares today. Crazy...well...perhaps...but I have so much history now ( over a year)... and the collective DD of this 'play' leads me to believe that we do have a winner is it possible that we could think different with these great minds at the pinnacle of our organization. Ask yourself, how? No dummies...not a one of them. It all boils down to executing a deal in the race for fame, and the risk reward potential is just a little more than huge. Weak hands will always be weak hands. I traded the first 20k of POETF ...and it went in one block- amazing. The second almost the same short period of time, but in many many small lots. All I can say to the purveyors of these golden eggs is ...thanks. I will enjoy them immensely AND I will commit to share my good fortune with others who need it ...all in due time. Let me here the choir say, Amen.
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