Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: On the U.S. Side today

I totally disagree with the spirit and intention of this thread. its just a more grown up version of McWitty (now there's an ironic handle) whining about POET "owes him" and mistreating of the working man, blah, blah, blah, the commercials were aimed at shareholders and he bought more, and now he's screwed and...?

I can not listen to this crap any more.


you are an outside passive minority investor. you have no control. that is a fact. that is reality. if you don't like it, then sell your shares and go find another hobby, please.

that is why we pay so much attention to management, and vetting them in our own way. you have to TRUST them because you know NOTHING about what is happening behind the scenes.

please don't call anyone, and let the new CEO do his job! I agree with Rob and Mack on just sitting tight until mid September. give the guy 3 months to make the plan, and hopefully a first commercial deal.

why don't YOU show some respect to the new management of this company and stop armchair quarterbacking. its just embarassing to be a part of this community and listen to it go off the rails.

Abel has been adding some great DD lately, and my hats off to him for that constructive contribution to the community.

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