Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Re: Am I missing ?
Sep 08, 2015 01:38PM

The end of the month will hopefully provide greater insight into what the future will look like in terms of the various business relationships and related business cycles but it would not surprise me that there may be revenue streams created without shareholders knowing exactly who the end users are or will be. This will be entirely dependent upon the business chain or 'cycle', as an example

Poet IP ----> Foundry -----> Wholesaler/Distributor -----> Retailer and so on. If the revenue stream for POET relates to a license to produce which was acquired by the foundry, effectively your revenue stream potentially stops there unless of course there are residual downstream royalties that flow back to POET. This still would not necessarily provide any disclosure of who customers are.

Personally, I am more interested in what may lie ahead in terms of potential news releases which may directly fold into the future vision and structure of the company. I would very much like to see some sort of financial transaction together with perhaps a ANAD acquisition and Board announcements. For me, this would signal POET becoming vertically integrated with the proviso that acquiring an under-utilized foundry would signal new and inbound volume levels to justify the acquisition. Inceased volume at ANAD would provide a self sustaining margin for profitability flowing back to the 'parent' (POET) and by virtue of the acquisition would lead nicely to a seemless transition to NASDAQ. A significant and new board appointee would give some comfort as to where that volume may come from.

At the end of the's a prospecive wish list, nothing more and nothing less but it sure would make my day.

Sep 08, 2015 02:27PM
Sep 08, 2015 02:34PM

Sep 08, 2015 04:09PM
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