Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Ancient History?

Just got back in from enjoying one our last remaining Summer Days. A very beautiful one at that. The article I so rubustly endorsed earlier was written in 2012. In our world, it seems that is almost like transcribing ancient hieroglyph inscriptions from an Egyptitian Obelisk. Nonetheless the industry has shown an interest in optical processing but at the same time, a reluctance to change from silicon to a superior semiconductor. One that will fill all the needs of optoelectronic processor in a monolithic intrgrated circuit. In that regard I feel the article still has some relevance, illustrating some of the roadblocks encountered when trying to force Silicon to do something it just can't do without a lot of patchwork. Although even our PET processors are more efficient than silicon, I am encouraged to see our company developing the optical processing as found in POET. This seems to be a higher and better use of Dr. Taylor's work, and does seem to be an incremental step in our disruption of the industry, as I haven't included the quantum computing aspects POET will offer. Baby steps. Anyway I look forward to our upcoming CC to find out what we're up to. I can't believe I was able to buy about 1000 shares for about $600. last week. I am going to do my best to be like Instinet of Nomura Holdings next week and be a buyer, albiet a smaller one, before any new NR's. :-) All the above is my opinion and or spectulation GLTA

Sep 21, 2015 02:51AM
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