Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: How to listen to CC

Well getting down to something a little more important about the CC. It's happening on Wednesday. We have been due for news for months now. The CC has been planned for months.

It seems like only common sense to have a NR telling us exactly what we have been promised (more or less) ,Milestones, possible contracts, (military and otherwise) progress in getting to the Nasdaq and so on. All long long over due.

One would think that news should come out a day or two before the CC to give everyone a chance to absorb all this information so as to ask the "right" questions during the CC. It would get everyone hyped up for this conference and get the ball rolling for POET. Get the media involved and whoever it takes to get the word out there about POET and it's disruptive technology.

I'm sick and tired of POET being secret and shareholders being left in the dark. Hopefully that's what will happen and what they have planned. The time has come.

Let's hear the world talking about

"Powered by POET"

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