Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Triple Crown vs Horse & Pony - Proper Marketing

Many of you may be disapointed by the following note to Chris, some of you will agree. The intention here is not to start a debate, rather spark a realism with management to align vision with the required "look" in this day an age of media.

In advanced to the below, I thank those who recorded and will translate to word files. It is good to see Compound Semi pick up an article quickly, how ever, it is more important that leadership at PTK market themselves. A business with a properly managed LinkedIn page.

I am aware of the company putting out a hire for marketing managers, how ever again, you do not need a manager for the basics of having your name and image out there.

I am still a holder, I have not nor intend to sell.

Let's pull up our big boy pants here and start closing opportunities instead of leaving them in our sales force funnel.


A note to Chris:

--- <[email protected]>

2:09 PM (6 minutes ago)
to Christopher,

Have PTK update their site immediately in regards to:

• Cic video
• Presentation "revenue 2015"

The CIC video is more important, from an outsiders or new investor, the video has dialog that would confuse with the new audio call.

As mentioned by few before, in effort for marketing strategies and campaigning, let's see some LinkedIn pages created and properly managed. From a leadership perspective it is imperative that these actions be taken and a real looking business it created visually not just on an audio file.

As much as the audio call was only an operational update and comments in regards to keeping shareholders happy and more updates to come prior to the next audio call January 2016, let's hold a bit more accountability on managements end to get rid of the horse and pony show and start showing a triple crown effort moving forward.

It's been long enough.


Sent from my iPhone
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